The sender and the receiver
We have two major rules in the communication process. At time we have the responsibility of being the sender/encoder. At other times we have the responsibility for being the receiver/ decoder. While both roles have distinct responsibilities, each is dependent on the other for effective communication to be established and maintained. As a sender our responsibility are to:
• Be sure what we want to say before we say it (think clearly);
• Put the information into a logical order, sift out the important from the unimportant, be precise and to the point;
• Arouse and maintain the listener’s interest by introducing what we are going to convey in a manner that catches the listener’s interest, keep on track and provide the right amount of information for the listener;
• Us a vocabulary level and terminology that the listener will understand ;
• Encourage feedback;
• Watch for non-verbal cues from the receiver (e.g. disinterest, puzzlement).
The sender also needs to be aware of the necessity to choose the appropriate time to convey the message. For example, people who are preoccupied, angry or worried will not be particularly receptive to a message. It may, if circumstances permit, be more effective to wait until their frame of mind is such that they are able to ‘hear’ your message properly. As a receiver our responsibilities are to:
• Stay tuned in to the entire message. Focusing on the speaker will ensure we receive all the message by picking up the tone and inflection given to the message and therefore fully understanding what is being said;
• Evaluate what we actually hear, not what we think we hear. We all have biases toward people which can affect listening effectively-more simply; the person speaking may have a weird haircut. These can often influence our understanding if we prejudge the speaker. We may also fall into the trap of only listening for what we want to hear;
• Clarify points that we are unsure about – if in doubt ask a question;
• Respond and give feedback by stating what our understanding of the message is and what action we will take;
• Use our eyes to watch for non-verbal cues, as well as listening to the words.
The way we choose to send a message is called the channel. We have the option of verbal communication that is, talking to the receiver, written communication in the form of a letter or memo, visual communication by diagram or picture, and non-verbal communication using gestures. When selecting a channel we need to consider the message it self. If the message is long and complex it may require a combination of all channels for an understanding to be achieved the receiver of the message. A simple message may only require the verbal channel. There are other considerations, of course; the intended receiver may not be available, so written communication may be more practical, that is, leaving a note. The means of transmission may differ according to circumstances. For example, instead of talking face to face, you may choose to use the telephone, or write a message via computer rather than with pencil and paper.
Matching the channel to the message is vital for ensuring effective communication. To give a simple but extreme example, think of how you would communicate danger to someone about to turn on an electrical appliance you know is faulty and that could electrocute him or her. Your options are to write a memo quickly or draw up a sign, to make frantic gestures and imitate someone being electrocuted or just simply to yell at them to stop. Depending how you felt about the person (this may be a barrier to communication) your answer should have been the verbal ‘yelling’ option which is immediate and therefore gets the quickest and most desired result. The main determination for using a channel that will assist the communication to be understood and be effective is to ask yourself ‘which channel will get the message across and received clearly and unambiguously?. In almost all cases the answer should be ‘all of them – and preferably at the same time!’. Bear in mind, however, that too much information can be just as bad as too little.
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Dari AS ke Mesir, Wanita Katolik Menemukan Islam
Mengapa saya memilih Islam? Saya ingat dengan jelas hari dimana saya resmi menjadi wanita mualaf ….. Selengkapnya
Idris Tawfiq, Mantan Pastor yang Memilih Islam
Sebelumnya, Idris Tawfiq adalah seorang pastor gereja Katholik ……Selengkapnya
Maurice Bucaille tak Ragu dengan Kebenaran Alquran
Penelitiannya tentang Mumi Firaun membawanya pada kebenaran Alquran …Selengkapnya
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Rabu, Maret 11, 2009
The elements of Communication Process
Selasa, Maret 03, 2009
The Communication Process
The communication process
Communication can be simply defined as ‘what we do to secure understanding between ourselves and others’. The key word in definition is ‘understanding’. Unless understanding occurs, communication will not be successful. Effective communication is inter-change of thoughts, facts, emotions and information between two or more people which results in mutual understanding – the meeting of minds! When we communicate with someone, we usually have one or more as follow:
1. To be understood – to get a massage across to someone so that he or she knows exactly what we mean.
2. To gain acceptance – for ourselves and/or our ideas, this is particularly important in the selling process.
2. To produce action - to get others to take the action we want them to take (e.g. to buy our products and services).
A simple communication process starts with three components: a message (this could be an idea, concept, direction, etc.), someone to send the message (a sender) and someone to receive it (a receiver).
The deficiency of this process is that unless the communication is very simple there is no guarantee that understanding will have taken place. In a work environment this can have some interesting results for a company’s customers.
An effective communication model has a number of components that need to be clearly understood to complete the communication process, as shown in the following figure. These include:
• The roles of the sender and the receiver of the message;
• The channel of communication, that is, ‘how the message is sent’;
• The context of the message in both the sender’s and the receiver’s mind;
• Feedback;
• Barriers that can occur that stop or hinder communication.
Model of communication
Senin, Maret 02, 2009
Pelatihan Web
Alhamdulillah, Pelatihan TIK (Web) yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 16 sampai dengan 18 Februari dan tanggal 23 sampai dengan 28 Februari 2008 bertempat di SMK Negeri 1 Kedawung telah selesai dilaksanakan. Pelatihan yang dibuka oleh Kadisdik Kab. Cirebon ini diikuti oleh Tiga SMK Negeri (SMKN 1 Kedawung, SMKN 1 Mundu, dan SMKN 1 Lemah Abang) dan dua SMA (SMAN Palimanan, dan SMAN Sumber). Peserta pelatihan terdiri dari guru-guru dari lima sekolah tersebut yang terbagi ke dalam 4 gelombang dengan masing-masing dua kelompok belajar. Jumlah total peserta pelatihan sebanyak 205 (dua ratus lima) orang.
Mudah-mudahan pelatihan ini bermanfaat bagi peserta dan sekolah yang mengirimnya, dan (walaupun pelatihannya sudah selesai) semoga para peserta tetap bersemangat untuk terus mengembangkan kemampuan yang telah diperolehnya.
Maju terus pendidikan Kabupaten Cirebon!!!
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